Why Volunteer Jobs For Teenagers Is Well Worth It

Some teens may think that a volunteering job is just a waste of time when they can be out for a real paying job. In reality, volunteering jobs for teenagers present a lot of opportunity for young job seekers, and gives them advantage over other teenage colleagues.

Volunteering type jobs for teens give them the opportunity to be exposed to a multi-disciplinary environment. They will learn a lot from observing how other workers (volunteers or otherwise) behave and perform their day to day tasks, and they can apply the knowledge in their future jobs. Most importantly, voluntary employment can lead to a part-time or even a full-time paying jobs.

Make A Lasting Impression

Treat volunteer jobs as a real job, because it is. Get to work on time, all the time, and do not be mindful of the hours you need to keep. Participate in office activities, whether within or outside the office. If there are tasks that need to be done that require some extra time, take the chance to help and show that you are someone who can be relied upon with a sense of urgency. As much as you can, try to connect with all levels of staff and managers in the workplace without being intrusive.  Be sure to be on topic and relevant every time when in discussions and maintain a strict focus to inform them you are listening and very interested in their opinions.

The Right Time To Solicit For A Full-Time Job

Chances are, you will be offered a full-time job before your volunteer work term is finished. But if that does not happen, you can politely ask to be considered for a full-time job just before you leave the company.

Do not expect a guaranteed job right away, but you can be sure that if any job opening comes up, your name will be at the top of your boss’ mind.

Always remember that if you don’t always get a job at the end of you duration always take volunteering as a task you engaged in to gain the experience. Employers can take your job but they will never be able to take away the experience you have acquired.




Now in my 29 years of life I have done volunteering, I find this more rewarding, I originally was with St John Ambulance, this started at the age of 14, in hindsight I wish I could have started earlier but alas I didn't and I left St John at the age of 18 as I done what I had to do and moved on.

 The best experience I had as a volunteer and still is one of my "highlights" has to be Penwith Community Radio. I rate this highly as it was a step aside of what I know and originally it was stepping into the unknown. I had full support from my then partner and I knew Alan as he was my teacher at School who taught me Personal Social Education (which if they made it a GCSE certified certificate I would have a decent Grade). You are now wondering how I got involved, well apart from listening in and winning the odd competition on Tim's Mystery Year, I often listened to either Dave Pascoe or Alan on the Internet as I often didn't go out during the day until at least 6 or 7pm depending on the day. It was on Friday I believe and it was the middle of August where Dave Pascoe was on the air talking about Simon May who composed the theme tunes such as Howards Way, the infamous Eldorado theme or the most famous tune which is Eastenders. There was a track that Simon made which not many people know of but I knew that particular track as it is on of my DVDs and one of Dave's listeners hadn't been in Cornwall for ages and he too enjoyed this track. So I got involved on the Facebook that I had opened at that time and I engaged my Wisdom to that person and with Penwith Radio. Afterwards I got thinking (which as you are all aware I think a lot) and thought I should get more involved with the Community around me and the thing that stood out from the rest was Penwith Radio. I emailed Dave and asked if there was any opportunities for me, Dave pointed in the direction of Julian Horner who was station manager at the time and luckily there was, it was a Community Correspondent. I took that option even though I lived in Redruth (not part of Penwith). I undertook the training which was good I learnt several new skills and made some new friends. This was good as it added to my CV. My only air time came when I helped either Dave or Alan on Drivetime as I self labelled myself (which they thought was good) Volunteer Junior Radio Producer. I then developed my skills a bit more and in one way I hungered for my own show but I never had one until January 2011 when George Care couldn't do Cosmopolitan Cornwall, he came out of the studio and told Dave (who was now Station Manager) that he couldn't make it to next weeks show. I overheard as I often did (and get told off for it heance Nickname Goonhilly by Alan) I said if I could and to my joy Dave said I could. More will be told about my time at Penwith Radio will be told at a later date. To sum this all up. Teenagers volunteering is good, it is worth it, you may not get paid but the reward is the effect it is on you, your future. If someone asks you to volunteer DO IT. 

This end video is the promotional Video that Penwith Radio released after they received the News that they were to get a FM licence, so from little Podcasts to Internet Radio to FM coverage in the Penwith area. This is what volunteering is all about. See if you can see me in this video because I am there.



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