UK Big Brother 2014: Meet the second batch of housemates

Big Brother chucked ten housemates into the famous Borehamwood bungalow last night... but that wasn't quite enough for them. Nope, it was time for six newbies to walk through the doors in tonight's show - but just who are they? Read on for all the gossip you need...

Ash Harrison

Big Brother 2014 housemate Ash Harrison
© Channel 5

Age: 26
From: Manchester
Description: Handsome Model
Fact #1: Ash's idol is David Beckham - he thinks he's a "younger, better-looking version of him". His words, not ours. He also plays football three times a week, and his favourite subject at school was PE (because he "caught the ladies' eyes").
Fact #2: Ash, who used to work for his dad's building firm and isn't afraid to "get dirty", is known by family and friends as "the local handy man".
Fact #3: Ash still lives at home with his mum and calls her "one of the lads".
Fact #4: Before becoming a model, Ash studied business and management at university.
Fact #5: While he's Manchester born and bred and can't imagine living anywhere else, he usually spends the whole summer in Ibiza "working and getting wrecked".

Ashleigh Coyle

Big Brother 2014 housemate Ashleigh Coyle
© Channel 5

Age: 18
From: Derry
Description: Angelic School Leaver
Fact #1: Ashleigh is a big animal lover - she's vegetarian, spends a lot of her money on her dog Gucci, and is a fundraiser for a rehoming centre for cats and dogs.
Fact #2: Ashleigh is realistic about her career; while she does modelling in her free time and would love to become well known as a model, she says: "I know the chances of that are slim." She would like to send up an events and wedding planning business. She says she's driven to succeed after living on a council estate.
Fact #3: Ashleigh doesn't really suffer from hangovers.
Fact #4: Ashleigh is very opinionated and has "strong views which are generally not accepted among her community" - but she says her worst trait is talking about herself too much.
Fact #5: If she won, Ashleigh says she would donate some of her winnings to charity, buy a car, and take her family on holiday.

Chris R Wright

Big Brother 2014 housemate Chris R Wright
© Channel 5

Age: 33
From: Hampshire
Description: Sarcastic Actor
Fact #1: While Chris is an actor between jobs - who sells works of art drawn in Biro - he says he's not going in the house to further his career ("I will walk through any open door right now just to check out the scenery.")
Fact #2: Chris explained that he wants to go into the because of "free rent, to lose weight, and I can't afford therapy".
Fact #3: Chris says both a) that if he loves someone he will "love them unconditionally forever" and b) that he has a big group of friends but is "trying to reduce it".
Fact #4: Chris says that his parents have taught him to be "obsessively polite": "If someone punched me in the face and they got blood on their knuckles I'd apologise for making their hands dirty." But he says his worst trait is seeing a sunny day and saying it will rain.
Fact #5: Chris hates team bonding games and thinks he'll resent having to participate in tasks.

Jale Karaturp

Big Brother 2014 housemate Jale Karaturp
© Channel 5

Age: 33
From: Surrey
Description: Grumpy And Spiritual
Fact #1: Jale says that it is a "proven fact" that she can't live with people - so she lives alone in a two-bedroom house. This is going to go well then.
Fact #2: Jale meditates every day because she gets wound up easily.
Fact #3: Jale had a tough time at school because she thinks a lot of people "hated" her; she also moved teams in her job as a customer adviser because a "girl thought I didn't like her, and like a moron, instead of speaking to me like an adult, told a manager and it got massively blown up".
Fact #4: Jale has very strong views on benefits and unemployment, and thinks the government are "making the rich richer and the poor are scrambling around trying to feed themselves".
Fact #5: Jale is a big fan of rants and can "tear someone apart" if she gets angry, saying she particularly hates "s**t drivers, terrible call centre workers, people who are s**t at their jobs and martyrs".

Marlon Wallen

Big Brother 2014 housemate Marlon Wallen
© Channel 5

Age: 22
From: Croydon
Description: Flirty Jack-The-Lad
Fact #1: Marlon has an alter ego called Marlicio Silver.
Fact #2: Marlon wants to hook up with at least two women in the house, saying: "I don't mind getting my d**k out, it's huge." He also thinks he could "probably get in her knickers" if there is a woman that he finds attractive... and claims he could do this without anyone knowing.
Fact #3: The most expensive thing Marlon has ever bought is a pair of Louboutin shoes at £800... and he would rather have money than love ("I would rather be lonely in a Ferrari than in love in an old banger".)
Fact #4: Marlon thinks that he will be good at secret tasks because he is very good at lying.
Fact #5: Marlon says he can "make anyone smile"... but also that he likes to annoy people and "push their buttons". 

Toya A Washington

Big Brother 2014 housemate Toya A Washington
© Channel 5

Age: 29
From: London
Description: Sassy Video Blogger
Fact #1: Toya was once mistreated by an ex-boyfriend - so she auctioned all his items on eBay, gave him a link to buy them, and then donated the money to charity.
Fact #2: Toya is pleased she does not have a 9-5 job because she thinks that would be like "caging an animal".
Fact #3: The kindest thing that Toya ever did was invite a boyfriend to live with her... but she ended up kicking him out because he "took advantage".
Fact #4: Toya - who isn't ruling out love in the house - says she goes for alpha male types, but not short men. "I like beards, but well-kept beards, and I don't like skinny men who need a belt for their jeans," she says.
Fact #5: Toya was bullied so doesn't often get into fights - but says: "I'm not physical but my mouth does it for me."

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