What Do You See?

What Do You See?

Tip 185 - Man Illusion
Before reading further, take a minute and look closely at the image above. Write down what you see.
Go ahead, try it.

Maybe you could see:
▪ An man's face in profile with a beard
▪ A woman with her baby
▪ An old man with a walking stick
▪ A dog
▪ Faces to the right of the arch and to the left of the arch (in fact there are 9 faces in this picture)
▪ etc
Yes, of course, the picture is an illusion ie an instance of a wrong or misinterpreted perception of a sensory experience.
The human brain constructs a world inside our head based upon what it samples from the surrounding environment. However sometimes it tries to organise this information the best it can while other times it fills in the gaps(Yoon Mo Jung and Jackie (Jianhong) Shen (2008), J. Visual Comm. Image Representation, 19(1):42-55, First-order modelling and stability analysis of illusory contours).
In other word, depending upon our experience, culture, beliefs etc, we may all see things slightly differently.

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