Thought of the Day: Need Nothing

Need Nothing

Everyone thinks they need to get something. But the truth is we don’t need anything. We already have what we need. Trouble arises when we think we have to keep what we receive. It’s the keeping that sustains our neediness. But whatever comes to us is not for keeping, it is for giving. And when you give, you get. Deep down we all know this eternal truth. It’s one of those cast iron laws of the universe. But we are conditioned to think the opposite. No wonder there is a poverty of faith. Not religious faith, but the faith that the universe will bring us whatever we need, at the right moment in the right way.
So start today –  give, give, give – time, energy, assistance, care, co-operation. On how many levels do you see the opportunity to give? It’s good to be a ‘just do it’ person. Even better to be a ‘just give it’ person. And the paradox will make itself known – when you give you will realise you already have everything you need.

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