Nan doing what she loved best, tending to her Garden
Inspiration is everywhere — from the words of your favourite writer to the blooms and leaves on your morning walk. You just need to open your eyes, and breathe it in.
Sometimes it helps to talk to others who are creative to get ideas about what gets their creativity juices flowing.
When I was younger my Inspiration was my Nan, she inspired me to do something good, she said I was good on computers and writing I was always strong at. So to celebrate her life and four years on from her death, I surfed high and low to find something that truly reflects what an inspiration she is and always will be to me. This blog as a whole is in honour of both her, Grandad and my Great Nan. I love them all and to Uncle Tom (also no longer with us) I thank him also for sitting down with me to show me the benefits of computing. I like to also thank Melissa Wolf for being an inspiration in my life, 2016 truly has its ups and downs but when I first got to know Melissa she has helped me further my dreams by helping me with this blog. As this Blog is released I am proud to say I am at 39,483 far surpassing my target for this year. Be sure to share my posts on your page and thank you for sharing a Wise Word or Two these last four years.
To my dearest darling Nana,
Up in Heaven, high above
I know today you're with us all,
And sending all your love.
Today we all remember you,
And bid you one last goodbye,
Celebrate the life you've had
And maybe have a cry.
You'll never be forgotten Nan,
I'll just close my eyes and see,
Your smiling face and feel your love
And you'll be close to me.
You had such a long life,
So many have so less,
It was your time, the Angels came,
And placed you with the best.
So dear Nana, up above
Although you're no longer here,
In my heart is where I'll keep you,
Forever, you'll be near.
Up in Heaven, high above
I know today you're with us all,
And sending all your love.
Today we all remember you,
And bid you one last goodbye,
Celebrate the life you've had
And maybe have a cry.
You'll never be forgotten Nan,
I'll just close my eyes and see,
Your smiling face and feel your love
And you'll be close to me.
You had such a long life,
So many have so less,
It was your time, the Angels came,
And placed you with the best.
So dear Nana, up above
Although you're no longer here,
In my heart is where I'll keep you,
Forever, you'll be near.
So here is to my Nan Marjorie Alice Hackett, my Grandad Keith Alfred Hackett, my Great Nan Alice Townsend and to my Uncle Tom Whiteside and to all my other family members who are at rest in heaven. I love you all.
And to all any of you who has lost loved ones my thought s & prayers are with you all.