Wikipedia article of the day for November 20, 2016

Wikipedia article of the day is Divisional Cavalry Regiment (New Zealand). The Divisional Cavalry Regiment, New Zealand's first armoured unit, was formed in September 1939 after the country entered the Second World War. After being sent to Egypt with the 2nd New Zealand Division, the regiment deployed to Greece as part of W Force, the British contingent sent to defend the country from Nazi Germany in March 1941. The regiment was scattered during the retreat from Greece; most of it ended up in Crete, but had to evacuate in May after a German paratroop attack. Its men fought in Operation Crusader and spent a brief interlude in Syria before engaging in the First Battle of El Alamein, equipped with four recaptured Stuart tanks (pictured). They fought again in the Second Battle of El Alamein, at El Agheila, and at the Mareth Line. After the German retreat from Tunisia, they were sent to Italy with the division in September, and fought in the Italian Campaign. In October 1944, the regiment was reorganized into an infantry battalion, fighting until the end of the war in Europe in May 1945. In March 1946 they arrived in Japan as a regiment of J Force, the New Zealand contribution to the occupation. The regiment was disbanded in September 1947.

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