Moments in Time: How to see the lunar eclipse, New Year Comet and snow moon tonight February 10th 2017

When can I see the penumbral eclipse?

Like other lunar eclipses, penumbral eclipses occur when the Earth passes between the moon and sun, blocking out the sun's light and casting a shadow on the surface of the moon.
But don't get too excited, they aren't as dramatic as total or partial eclipses. In fact they're very subtle and on Friday night the full moon will just look slightly dimmer than usual. This is because it will be passing through the Earth's penumbra - the technical name for the outer shadow of our planet.
Jeremy Shears from the British Astronomical Association explains: "As a result the moon's brightness will begin to dim, as it is less strongly illuminated by the sun, but it remains illuminated.
"What makes this penumbral eclipse special is that this is a rare occasion when almost the whole of the moon's face will pass within the Earth's penumbra, and so the reduction of the moon's brightness will be more perceptible than usual."
If you're still keen to catch a glimpse, the eclipse will last for just over four hours and will be visible from Europe, most of Asia, Africa and most of North America.
In the UK, it will begin at 22:34 GMT, but the best time to see it will be just after midnight on Saturday, February 11, at 00:44 when the moon is 51 degrees above the horizon. The whole spectacle will be over at 02:53 GMT.

How can I see the New Year comet?

Technically known as Comet 45P, the New Year comet was discovered by Moniru Honda in 1948, and is named after Moniru Honda, Antonín Mrkos, and Ľudmila Pajdušáková.
It makes an appearance every five-and-a-quarter years and has been visible around the world since December - including over the New Year. 
This weekend, it will come just 0.08 Astronomical Units (7.4 million miles) from Earth as it makes its closest approach since 2011. Stargazers should look up at the constellation Hercules from midnight on February 10/11 and look out for its blue-green 'head' and fan-shaped tail.
If the sky is clear and free of light pollution, it should be visible to the naked eye but a pair of binoculars will probably be handy. 
Nasa says on its website: "The comet then passes through the constellations Corona Borealis (the Northern Crown), Boötes (the Herdsman), Canes Venatici (Boötes' hunting dogs) and Ursa Major. Then on to Leo by the end of February. It moves swiftly - 9 degrees each day."

If you miss it, Comet 45P will be back again in 2022. 

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