Corey was drunk. There might be times you can convince yourself that you’re okay — this wasn’t one of those times. He was drunk and he knew he was drunk. But that wasn’t the problem. He had gone to this party with his friends, including a designated driver, but they had already left. He was supposed to go with them, but he was having such a great time he told them he’d find another ride.
Now he was stuck. The only people left who could give him a ride were pretty wasted, themselves. He thought about calling a friend, but it was at least thirty miles to his house and he didn’t want to impose. He couldn’t stay where he was because he didn’t even know the people who threw the party. If he called his parents…. well, he couldn’t even imagine the lecture. He had already been given the “spring term senior year keep your nose to the grindstone” talk a hundred times.
A girl he had met that night said her friend was dropping her off and could take him too. Unfortunately, she was pretty buzzed. Corey knew it was dumb to get into the car with a driver you know is drunk. Everyone knows that. But everyone doesn’t have to go thirty miles and then face grumpy parents. As far as he was concerned, he was in trouble either way. He needed to make a decision.
- So, what should Corey do?
- Is that different than what you actually would do?
- If your best friend is ever in this situation what do you hope he or she will do? If your answer is different from the one above, why do you think that is?
- Have you or anyone you know been in a situation like this? What choice was made? Do you think it was the right choice?
- Have you ever made a choice that was contrary to what you clearly knew was the right choice or the smart choice? What factors contributed to your decision? Would you do it again?