Maria was worried about her good friend Pam. Pam was always talking about how fat she was and what she was trying to do about it. But the truth is that Pam was not at all fat. In fact, she was downright skinny. Since their freshmen year Pam had lost at least 15 pounds. Now, they were juniors and Maria was afraid that Pam had an eating disorder. Maria was also getting frustrated. Where were all the grown-ups? Who was watching out for Pam besides Maria and her friends?
Maria knew that someone from their school had talked to Pam’s parents last year, and that Pam’s mum had gotten angry about the school poking its nose into family business. Pam’s mum claimed that Pam had a dancer’s body and a high metabolism. That was last year. Now things were worse and Maria felt like she was literally watching her friend disappear.
Finally, one Monday afternoon Maria had had enough. As she watched Pam take three diet pills and eat four grapes for lunch she decided she had to do something. As helpless and scared as she felt now, how would it compare to how she would feel if Pam actually ended up in the hospital…or worse? Pam would be furious if she found out the Maria had talked to someone behind her back. So, Maria had two problems--should she tell someone how bad things were, and if so, whom should she go to?
- Do you agree with Maria? Do you think she should tell someone about Pam?
- If so, who do you think she should tell?
- What do you think Maria should say if Pam asks her if she told someone?
- Have you ever been in a position like this? What happened? Would you make the same choices if you were in that position again?