Erin's chemistry teacher made a huge mistake on Erin's final grade. A mistake that was very much in Erin's favour. Should Erin point out the mistake to her teacher, or accept her good fortune quietly and gratefully?

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Erin knew something was weird when her parents greeted her after school by saying, “Nice report card, Honey! We knew you could do it!” She put her backpack down and picked up the report card from the kitchen table. English: A, Maths: A-, World Civilisation: B+, Chemistry: A-. Erin looked again. And again.
The chemistry grade was wrong, there was no doubt about it. Erin thought back to last week. She went into the final exam with an A-, but she received a C- on the exam. She had been devastated. So much so, that she didn’t say anything about it to her parents.
So, what happened? Her teacher must have either miscalculated Erin’s grade, or hit a wrong key when he was entering the grades. The science final was worth forty percent of her grade. That would make her chemistry grade a B-. The real question was, “Now what?”
For better or worse, today was the first day of semester break. Erin had a week before she would see her teacher again. She had a week to figure out if she should tell the teacher about the mistake. She called her best friend.
“Why should you say anything?” was her friend’s response. “It was the teacher’s mistake, not yours. That grade could decide whether or not you get into the college you want.” Erin could see her friend’s point of view but something didn’t sit well with her. Could she live with the idea of always knowing that grade was a lie? The truth was, maybe she could.
The week crawled by. By Sunday, Erin was feeling a bit more clarity around her decision, but she was still uneasy. That night at dinner she told her parents about her dilemma. She told them how she knew the “right thing” to do was probably to tell her teacher about the mistake, but she also knew how competitive grades and college applications were at her school. Even despite the lower grade in chemistry, she worked hard as a student and deservedto go to a good school as much as anyone, and that grade would affect her overall GPA. At the same time, how would it feel to finish off the year seeing that teacher in the hallway every day, or how will it feel next year looking back on this choice?
What should Erin do?

  • What might make this decision a hard one for Erin? Would this be a difficult decision for you? Why? Why not?
  • Why do you think Erin waited almost a week to talk to her parents about her dilemma? If you were in her shoes, how long would you wait? Would you tell them at all? Would your choice depend on whether you told your parents or not?
  • What you do in Erin’s place? Explain how and why you would.
  • Erin’s friend had a strong opinion about what she should do. How much would your friends’ input affect your choice?
  • If you were Erin’s friend, what points might you tell her that might help her make her decision?
  • What traits does one need to have to be a “good student”?
  • If Erin chose to keep the mistake a secret, does that make her guilty of “academic dishonesty”?
  • Have you or someone you know ever had to make a similar choice where it felt like there was lot to lose in the process?

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