The incoming school president was caught breaking the school rules about alcohol. Should he be permitted to take office or should the student body hold a new election?

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Devon had just been elected school president of his boarding high school. He had chosen a student senate to serve under him, whose job would be to help make all decisions that affected the student body. It was the end of his junior year and he and the new senate were to begin their positions in the fall. Devon was well liked in the school community and respected by both students and faculty. Everything seemed perfect for the start of the new school year.
The following week Devon made a dumb mistake. He signed out with some friends to have dinner in town and came back with alcohol on his breath. When approached by the faculty on duty in his dorm, he, along with his friends, admitted he had been drinking.
In the morning Devon was asked to meet with both the current senior class president with her senate and Devon’s incoming senate. Here is where things got messy. The current senate was impressed with the fact that this was Devon’s first offence of  school rules. Also, he had been honest when confronted and this had the potential to make him a role model for taking responsibility for one’s actions and learning from one’s mistakes. The students who comprised the incoming senate disagreed. They felt betrayed. They were still being reviewed by the faculty and Devon himself to see if they were worthy to serve their community, and they did not want someone who would break a rule before taking office to decide their position. They felt Devon should be removed from his position and a new election conducted.
There was one week left of school. A decision needed to be made by faculty and students within two days so that that the new senate and student leaders could be announced and in place by the last day of school. The school community was up in arms. Half the school agreed with the old student government and the other agreed with the new one. What was once a calm and promising ending to the school year was now a chaotic and divisive one. What decision would serve the school community best?

  • What is your first instinct after reading this case regarding what the school should decide about Devon?
  • What points do you think should be considered in making a decision about Devon?
  • Have you or someone you know ever made a decision that violated a position they held? What factors do you think contributed to making the decision?
  • If you were arguing the position of the current student senate, how would you do so? What points would you include as important to consider?
  • If you were arguing the position of the incoming senate, how would you do so? What points would you include as important to consider?
  • What values do you think both sides might share that shaped their decisions?
  • Can you think of any points both sides might agree on?
  • Have you or someone you know ever disagreed with a close friend or sibling about something that would affect both of you? What contributed to your two positions? How did things end?
  • Have any of you changed your mind since the start of this discussion?

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