After the small town of Paradise, California, was nearly wiped out by wildfires last week, the local high school girl’s volleyball team was still determined to play their semifinal championship match last Saturday—despite having no uniforms or equipment after having evacuating quickly with only the clothes on their back.
But the opposing team from Forest Lake Christian High School in Auburn was waiting with a big surprise.
Within 24 hours, they had collected donations of $16,000 and when the girls from Paradise Adventist Academy showed up, they were greeted with new custom uniforms, knee pads, and socks—and a whole lot of love.
Not only that, a $300 gift card was provided for each player, along with truck loads of supplies and clothing for their families.
After the game, they were all invited to a banquet of warm food prepared by the Forest Lake families.
Paradise Adventist coach Jason Eyer addressed the packed gymnasium, filled with people who had never watched the Interscholastic sport before, but wanted to show support.
“I’ve never been so overwhelmed by so many things I would have never thought possible, and this is one of the most amazing things I could ever have thought would happen,” he said, according to an article in
The Union. “Your community is awesome and we are forever grateful.”