Can you tell which of these April Fool’s Day stories are true and which are false?

Earlier we shared four stories from yesteryear and we simply wanted to know if you knew what was true and what was not.
Here are the answers now.
Image result for april fools
Firstly we asked...

A cat’s life was saved by giving it vodka after it drank a poisonous substance

The answer is

It's true! The alcohol offset the chemicals in the brake fluid the cat had ingested

Secondly we shared this story...

Some areas of China have banned long beards

The answer is True! They were banned in the region of Xinjiang in 2017

The third story was... 

In the 1960s, the BBC undertook a short-term trial for smell-o-vision

The answer to this one is False! It was a prank by the BBC, although some viewers contacted them to say it worked.

And finally we asked this...

A hotel opened in the Netherlands which lets you spend the night at the top of a construction crane

The answer is True! It opened in 2017 and guests haven't looked down since.

Hope you had a laugh...

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