The Numbers Game

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Now regular readers will know that the lead writer of White Wolf Inspirations & Wise Words for You suffers from Asperger's Syndrome and one of the traits can be obsessions, now reading this you may think I'm obsessing and you can easily tell me that I am obsessing and I can tell you I am obsessing because I want to share with you the reader some number statistics about this blog ever since it started seven years ago. The obsession (topic) is numbers and and the numbers in concern is what we as Admins see but you don't. Please note this goes all the way back to when the blog first started.

Statistics are correct at going to press and please note if I'm wrong in my math feel free to help in correcting us.

Page views today: 35
Page views yesterday: 47
Page views last month: 690
Page view per weekly last month average: 172
Page view per day per weekly last month: 24

Page view all time: 170,861
Page view over the last seven years: 24,408 per year

this breaks down as 

2,034 per month for the last seven years 

You have been reading our blogs on Blogger, through our Facebook Page and wherever your feed is, all we ask is that you remain positive in your feedback. So when you see us post nature, disabled awareness or even that quirky funny post, share it on your social media today. We hope we haven't bored you to death but sharing these numbers with you are to highlight the amazing work you have done so far in supporting us and we want to say thank you.

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