14 Tips To Help Keep You Safe When Dating Online Or Using Apps

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If you’re looking for love in today’s society, the options seem endless. With new websites and apps popping up all the time, online dating has become the norm and meeting new people has become an easy task.

But, how do you know if the individuals you are chatting with are really who they say they are or if they’re making up a persona? It’s important to be smart and cautious as you enter the online dating world.

To help ensure your safety when you’re dating online or through apps, follow these tips:

1. Avoid sites and apps that let just anyone message you

2. Pay attention to the geography settings in dating apps
3. Use unique photos for your dating profile

4. Avoid putting lots of personal details on your profile

5. Use the dating app’s messaging system -- not your personal phone number

6. Set up a Google Voice phone number just for dating

7. Talk to mutual friends to get their opinion

8. Don’t share too many details at first

9. Arrange your own transportation

10. Meet in a public place for your first date

11. Stay aware and alert

12. Tell a friend you’re going on a date and set a time to check in

13. Keep some emergency cash on hand

14. Consider carrying a self-defense tool

For more online dating safety tips, visit ASecureLife.com.

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