In Memory of My Grandfather: 14 years on...

Poetry in memory of a grandpa who has died can help express loss. Grandfathers hold an honoured place in the family, and like all family losses, it can be difficult to find the right words. Today we remember my late 
grandfather who sadly passed away fourteen years ago today.

My grandfather was a quiet man,
But his silence could speak volumes.

The warmth of his gaze said, "I love you."
The strength of his hugs said, "I will keep you safe."
The gentleness of his hands said, "You're precious to me."
His nod of approval for a job well done said, "I respect you."

In the years to come, I may not remember many of the words my grandfather spoke,

But the memories of what he conveyed without speaking a word will stay in my heart.

The reason it's written this way was because Grandad had Parkinson's and this at times reduced him to saying hardly anything at all, there was good days and there was often bad, but I love you Grandad and this is in your memory, today, forever and more. 

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