5 Really Subtle Signs That Tell You a Lot About a Person


Photo by Hunters Race on Unsplash

You don’t have to be a psychological expert in reading people’s behavior. We all have that inner power to discern that can tell us a lot about people’s personalities.

If not, we can always develop that skill.

As a child, I was always intrigued by people’s dual-faced behavior. Sometimes their actions and words did not match. I didn’t get it.

Though humans had developed a science of communicating thoughts, expressions, and feelings through speech, they often used body language to display their aversions, love, liking, hate, etc. And I wanted to learn that subtle language.

An American novelist Carol Plum-Ucci once quoted in her interviews:

“If you can understand human behavior, it can’t hurt you nearly as much.”

This quote stuck in my head forever. And being a voracious reader by nature, I started reading books about human behavior when I became a teenager. The more I read, the better understanding I began to gain.

I realized that if I could master the art of reading body language, I could know everything about a person in and out. In short, I desired to become a live lie-detecting machine.

Besides learning about these subtle signs from books and videos, I became more conscious of my public behavior.

Did you know that hunched shoulders, crossing arms, touching our face and neck, etc... are the signs of low self-confidence? 
And people can perceive these signs as our weaknesses to use against you?

So, by learning this skill of reading human behavior, we can feel confident about trusting others. Not everyone is trustworthy material in this world, so we can find the right people of great character to work with by staying aware of these subtle signs.

Hence, this knowledge can help us find genuine people to work with and improve our public image.

So, let's get started.

1. The Way They Dress

A great way to learn about people is by observing the way they dress.

research study indicates that a person's casual dressing is a sign of a relaxed, easy-going attitude where one is not concerned about impressing others. At the same time, those wearing formal attire displays sophistication and positivity.

Moreover, colorful, fashionable clothing exudes creativity and expressiveness. The people wearing floral prints or animal prints display their feminine and graceful side while those donning sporty looks portray confidence and high self-esteem.

2. The Way They Treat Their Inferiors

A famous quote by American author Dave Barry comes to mind:

“A person who is nice to you, but rude to the waiter, is not a nice person.”

A person is not judged by how he behaves with his subordinates, who have the same social status. That is easy because the rules and ethics of the corporate world restrict his behavior. But the way he treats those of a lower social class tells a lot about his character.

The one who behaves rudely or disrespectfully with a homeless or a restaurant server displays his arrogance and egoistic side. It is not advisable to run business with these people as they can kick you out once you have served their purposes.

If you want to find out if a person possesses a real character, you have to observe how he treats his inferiors.

In 2005 William Swanson published a book “Unwritten Rules of Management,” He has termed this rule as a “Waiter Rule.”

We can use this rule to measure the emotional quotient of a person.

3. The Way They Handle Their Social Media Accounts

The easiest way to learn about someone’s personality is to observe their social media accounts. What they share, what they comment on, who are their friends, and what they like tells a lot about their personality traits.

According to a research study conducted at the University of Maryland, people who are regularly posting their selfies or daily activities like what they eat, where they go, whom they meet exudes self-obsession. These people are hungry for attention and can do anything to have it. The reasons can be plenty, but that is a topic of discussion for some another day.

In contrast, people posting pictures with their friends, nature, parties, etc. were mostly extroverts in their behavioral traits.

According to a news journal, some countries have adopted this rule in their immigration policies to expedite their foreign visa applications.

4. The Way They Enter the Room

This sign has nothing to do with what people do. Instead, it focuses on what they feel.

Have you ever noticed a high tension in the room when an angry person enters?

Why is it so?

It is due to the role of vibrations.

According to spirituality, our vibrations introduce us before we even talk. The way we think and the way we feel creates metaphysical energy that travels everywhere as vibrations. Most of us know it by the term, “I am not getting a good vibe.”

Because of this reason, we feel elevated and energized when we meet priests, saints, or religious teachers. Conversely, we feel drained, stressed, and even agitated when we meet an angry, egoistic, or self-centered person.

It is like wearing perfume. Its smell reaches first before us. Hence, the energy of our thoughts, feelings, and emotions, positive or negative, introduces us before we even talk or enter the room.

No one can feel this energy in its true potential. But the more you trust your inner voice, the better your observing power works.

5. The Way They Talk

These signs everybody notices; consciously or unconsciously, but very few understand it.

An online study suggests that the people who often use courtesy words like sorry, thank you, please, etc., are more socially inviting as they believe in sharing rather than gaining.

Polite people are excellent listeners as they are concentrating and understanding to respond. Simultaneously, impolite people tend to focus only on their monologue without considering others’ views.

So, the next time you encounter someone who keeps on blabbering without giving you a chance to talk, try to slip away from the scene.

Last Thoughts

A famous quote by an American author David K. Reynolds comes to my mind:

“No one really knows why humans do what they do.”

It is imperative not to waste our time finding reasons for others' behavior.

Instead, we must make way for our personal growth by avoiding, understanding, or supporting people with such behavioral patterns.

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