Annual Tractor Run 2013 in Cornwall

This Blog has been contributed by Peter James Dalley

"Kevin and Malcolm met up with me & Wise Words at Wise Words Manor on New Years Day to go Poldark Mine for the annual New Years Day tractor run which this year celebrated it's 18th year between Poldark Mine to Penmarth to Carnkie to Stithans to Four Lanes and back again to Poldark Mine via Penmarth and Carnkie. There was just over 70 tractors in total that attended this year. I entered my Massey Ferguson 205 Industrial, Kevin was on his Massey Ferguson 135 whilst Malcolm took along his International Harvester 523. The Morning travelling to Poldark Mine was cold and crisp with the sun poking through the white clouds, a perfect start to 2013. We arrived at 9.40 and was one of the first few people there. The other tractors trundled in bit by bit until at last the car park was full and we was ready to depart. The original time to leave was 10am but due to the influx of tractors arriving late, this was put back until 10.30am. After a couples of minutes of gratitude from the organizer, we all got back on our tractors and then filed out in some sort of order though people did try to push in front of another. We headed for our first stop on the route which was Penmarth. On route we met a group of teenagers celebrating the new year. This video was from last years tractor run, as you can imagine from their point of view, they get rather excited. We arrived into Penmarth after 20 minutes and was met by Jeanette Eathorne, Jeanette is a Cornish Bard and a former BBC Radio presenter, She came out with Hevva Cake, Mince Pies and Mulled Wine for all who was taking part. After staying there for what seemed like forever well actually a hour. We was all set to go again. We headed towards Carnkie and Stithans. Along the way we met several people who came out of their houses to wave to all the tractors. After Stithans we carried on trundling through towards Four Lanes and The Victoria Inn where we was to stop for our pasty what we had ordered. Surprisingly the car park became swamped with tractors. I enjoyed my Pasty though Wise Words not being used to pepper found his peppery. I was amazed though to find out that the Pasty was £3.50 and made the joke to Wise Words what was the Pasty made of? After the lunch break not all of us but the majority of us continued the tractor run and a few left due to work commitments. We proceeded back in a slightly altered order to Poldark via Penmarth and Carnkie, where there was more members of the public awaiting our return. Overall I enjoyed the Tractor Run, the weather remained dry throughout but it could of rain but it never did, we returned at 4.30pm back at Wise Words Manor".

Many thanks to Peter there for discussing the New Years Day Tractor run from his own words. From my point of view I thoroughly enjoyed the experience though my Yellow Hi-Viz Waistcoat was plastered in mud due to the off spray from the tractors tyres. I am hoping that the next time I do this with Peter, it won't be wet on the surface as I don't want to do the washing haha.

Remember if you want to contribute to writing a Blog for my page, email and let me know. This end video shows the tractors on the Tractor Run, around 2mins 40secs you will see a Massey Ferguson 205, I give you a clue it's yellow, Guess who is on there?

I don't want to endorse this next subject in any way but due to recent hackers and spam occurring on the original site, I decided to remember the lives lost in Sandy Hook Elementary School by setting up a new page. Please visit it today and click like Thank you. Other bit of interesting news I am now on Audioboo, to listen to A Wise Word or Two, subscribe to my boos at There is also another exciting feature of which I tell you more when I have done it. To end as I always do, Stay safe everyone :)

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