Close the Door Behind You

Once you have taken the time to 'reflect' and 'review' the past year you've come to that wonderful moment of closure. Before you can begin to manifest what you desire for your life you will need to go back and close a few doors that may stay open and cause a very bad draft!
Have you ever noticed when you are in a room and a door is even slightly ajar you can't help but periodically glance over to see if anyone is going to come through? Similar to that open door, if you have missed something from your past you keep looking over your shoulder and in the process, you generally miss the wonderful experiences in your present. If you haven't placed some kind of closure on these past events or in other words, 'shut the door', subconsciously you will still have your mind on them.

No doubt you have heard it said, "When one door closes, another one opens." In your meditations and dreams, doors represent opportunities that are before you. It is always up to you to either stand outside a closed door or push it open and step on through into a new adventure. It is always wise to let a door close behind you, realizing that you are now through with that life experience and are now prepared to move on to the next challenge. It can be scary stepping outside of your comfort zone but it can also be exhilarating, enlightening, and empowering. You have to go through the doorway in order to experience what is on the other side.
Trying and learning new things can be overwhelming if you allow it to be. You must remember that you didn't always know how to walk, talk, drive, cook, read and write. These were skills that you developed as you grew. As children you welcomed learning without over analyzing the process. It wasn't until you got older and realized the fear of failure that you began to hold yourself back. Through self-awareness you will learn that you never really failed but instead completed a life lesson.
Think over the past year and see if you can recognize doors that you opened in order to take advantage of new opportunities. Did you take a chance and step out of what had become your comfort zone? Do you feel you have left some doors ajar or swinging in the wind that you need to go back and close? Look at where you are now and notice that you have moved forward on your life's journey.

Are there more doors ahead of you? Well of course there are! It is hard to tell just how many doors await you, but be sure that it is all up to you which ones you will open, which ones you leave closed and whether or not you step back and just wait and hope that the door will open all on its own.
Caution: when shutting doors it is extremely important that you remove anything and anyone who is stuck in the way of it's closing! Simply pretending things didn't happen or you can forget about them does not release the hold they have on you. You need to face the memories and come to terms with them: give forgiveness where needed, release pain, admit to mistakes made and embrace the lessons learned. You will gain a sense of freedom and lightness, as the chains that once bound you are broken. Renewed inner strength will empower you, enabling you to unlock the door(s), which lie ahead. As you venture forward, do so with the same innocence that you processed as a young child allowing you to embrace the moments of learning and growth as though it were for the very first time.

As you close the door to your past experiences, remember to give thanks for the opportunity to have gone through that life lesson and take from it at least one positive memory. Cut any cords that may still hold you back then make your exit! Step through that doorway with eyes wide open and greet whatever awaits you with the knowing that you have become stronger, wiser and have the power within and around you to go through anything. Once closure is made you will be ready to focus on what it is you desire.

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