UK Big Brother 2014: Meet the first night's housemates

Summer has started everyone! The first batch of housemates entered the legendary compound tonight, but who exactly are these people? If you missed the show - or just want some info on the ten newbies - then read on for all the gossip...

Christopher Hall

Big Brother 2014's Christopher Hall

Age: 23
From: County Fermanagh
Description: Opinionated Journalist
Fact #1: Christopher says he is a big fan of Katie Hopkins and White Dee... and also that he is "passionate about great journalism". But he thinks having an opinion is important and hates people who don't take an interest in the world.
Fact #2: Christopher has never been in a relationship but likes the idea of being in love. Aww.
Fact #3: Christopher likes a good night out in Clapham or Shoreditch, but says: "I wake up in need of a wheelchair and a bacon sandwich, wishing I was dead."
Fact #4: Christopher classes himself as religious, and says though he doesn't necessarily believe in scripture, he does pray.
Fact #5: Christopher hates "egotistical people and people who judge you"... but admits he can be like that himself.

Danielle McMahon

Big Brother 2014's Danielle McMahon

Age: 25
From: Glasgow
Description: Catholic Lingerie Model
Fact #1: Danielle, who lives by "strict Catholic values", doesn't believe in gay marriage but says she isn't homophobic. She also thinks thinks the "1950s housewife was a better role model" for women and doesn't believe in sex before marriage.
Fact #2: But Danielle is also trying to set up a business making a "new type of Wonderbra".
Fact #3: Danielle's idols are God, her mum... and she used to idolise Britney Spears "until she went crazy".
Fact #4: Danielle has never eaten a kebab in her whole life and doesn't really like after parties because they can be "sleazy".
Fact #5: Danielle is worried that she will clash with "liberal girls" in the house who tell "vulgar" stories.

Helen Wood

Big Brother 2014's Helen Wood

Age: 27
From: Bolton
Description: Feisty Northerner
Fact #1: You might remember Helen Wood from a tabloid scandal involving Wayne Rooney, the details of which we are far too polite to repeat. Helen says now she wishes it hadn't come out in the press, because she thinks everything was blown out of proportion. (Another famous actor who slept with her got an injunction to stop the press revealing the news.)
Fact #2: Helen, who was brought up a Catholic and is against abortion, compares herself to Katie Hopkins.
Fact #3: Helen recently spent £6000 on veneers.
Fact #4: Helen has been single for the last year, saying: "I went from being a f**king horn dog, borderline sex addict to not having sex at all. Let's just say, I've learned a lot about myself from celibacy." And she says she doesn't want to find love in the house ("I find it cringe when people crack onto me. I really am quite frigid and awkward when it comes to blokes.") If she was looking for a man, she'd want someone that made her laugh: "I obviously wouldn't go out with a guy that's ugly as f**k. I can't stand bad teeth."
Fact #5: Helen says she can be very nasty... but hates bullies. And she also hates "fake f**kers" and "girls who act thick when they're not".

Kimberly Kisselovich

Big Brother 2014's Kimberly Kisselovich

Age: 23
From: California
Description: Playboy Bunny With Law Degree
Fact #1: Playboy model Kimberly won the "cyber girl of the month" award and has spent time in the Playboy mansion. She also has a 'wish list' on Twitter, allowing admirers to "treat her to gifts".
Fact #2: Kimberly says people compare her to Elle Woods fromLegally Blonde. She studied law at Oxford... where she "punched a preppy boy in the face for groping my ass".
Fact #3: Kimberly is the "twerking queen", apparently.
Fact #4: Kimberly doesn't like men that use fake tan and thinks she will clash with people from Essex.
Fact #5: Kimberly, who says she loves to "explore her sexuality", is interested in travelling, hot yoga, painting and photography.

Mark Byron

Big Brother 2014's Mark Byron

Age: 24
From: Liverpool
Description: Animated Fashionista
Fact #1: Mark is very concerned with his image: he gets his hair done professionally four times a week, has a spray tan every week, and has "HD eyebrows", whatever they are. Also, he's planning to give his housemates makeovers: "There's going to be a Scouse brow day once a week where I'll give all my fellows housemates a Scouse brow." (We don't really know what that is.)
Fact #2: Mark thinks he is "a bit psychic" and uses tarot cards to help him decide what to wear.
Fact #3: Mark has a short temper and says that he can "fly off the handle" at the slightest provocation - like the wind blowing his hair out of place.
Fact #4: Mark gets on with everyone... apart from "dickheads".
Fact #5: Mark finds dating hard because he is "beyond picky" and thinks no-one is good enough for him.

Matthew Davies

Big Brother 2014's Matthew Davies

Age: 23
From: Hertfordshire
Description: Prima Donna Media Graduate
Fact #1: Matthew claims that he is "not the typical 23-year-old Jewish boy" - but he likes that he doesn't fit in.
Fact #2: Matthew wears makeup including foundation, concealer, eyebrow pencil and sometimes eyeliner.
Fact #3: Matthew is very interested in notions of gender roles - despite being "stereotypically feminine" and "camp", he has been with his girlfriend for five years.
Fact #4: Matthew considers one of his best traits his "ability to offend people without actually offending them" and says he has a dry sense of humour.
Fact #5: Matthew, who thinks he is "a bit of a prima donna and a drama queen", is looking forward to tasks where he can prove he is "more intelligent" than another housemate.

Pauline Bennett

Big Brother 2014's Pauline Bennett

Age: 49
From: Wolverhampton
Description: Larger Than Life, Feisty Joker
Fact #1: Pauline Bennett - as her alter ego Jazzi P - got a number 10 single with Kylie Minogue, 'Shocked', in the early 90s. But then she told Kylie she thought her songs were "s**t". WHAT. (However, Pauline says she would be "mortified" if she was asked to rap in public.)
Fact #2: Pauline's all time idol is Maya Angelou, because her poetry helped her when she was younger.
Fact #3: Pauline has a phobia of anything from the sea and red meat.
Fact #4: Pauline's big 50th birthday comes during the Big Brother run, and she's keen to show what older women are made of.
Fact #5: Pauline thinks she's going to be the "old prankster of the house".

Steven Goode

Big Brother 2014's Steven Goode

Age: 23
From: Hertfordshire
Description: Gobby, Outgoing, Opinionated
Fact #1: Steven's biggest phobia is of rats - he says if he saw one "my bowel would probably drop out of my arse" (lovely.)
Fact #2: Steven's last relationship ended up being rather complicated, as he found out the woman he was dating was married.
Fact #3: Steven says he would choose money over love: "Money hurts and affects you less." Aww.
Fact #4: Steven thinks his best trait is his generosity as he is "always the first one at the bar to buy people drinks". He's won us over.
Fact #5: Steven believes he could win... even though he is "gobby and stubborn" ("Put it like this - I don't think I'd be boring.")

Tamara Stewart-Wood

Big Brother 2014's Tamara Stewart-Wood

Age: 24
From: London
Description: Ambitious, Bubbly Head-Hunter
Fact #1: Tamara says the most important person in her life is herself, and claims she's known as "Cruella de Vil or a heartless bitch" - she doesn't think she's ever been kind to someone.
Fact #2: Tamara ran away at the age of 16 with a street ball extreme player (us neither.) She calls him the love of her life, but says it didn't have a happy ending.
Fact #3: Tamara describes herself as a "bit of a shagger" - she likes "guys with a six pack that are really fit but thick" - but always forgets their names and has to give them nicknames.
Fact #4: Tamara, who says she would hate to go without food or be put on basic rations, admits that when she drinks she acts "like I have the demon in me".
Fact #5: Tamara was bothered by "stupid people" at school; now, she "can't stand women who just want to make babies and cook lasagne for their husbands".

Winston Showan

Big Brother 2014's Winston Showan

Age: 27
From: Essex
Description: Up For A Laugh Essex Boy
Fact #1: Winston's dream is to be a famous racing car driver.
Fact #2: Winston, who lives in a bachelor pad with his friend in Essex, says his life motto is: "You don't score til you score" and claims the only team sport he plays is: "Who can pull the most girls in one night."

Fact #3: Winston likes "brunettes with nice breasts and a fit body" but they also have to be "quick witted" and able to laugh at themselves.
Fact #4: Winston describes himself as the "local superman" because he's always there to help others.
Fact #5: Winston is scared of horses and insects.

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