People who can be reserved often get frustrated when someone blurts out, "Why are you so quiet?" in the middle of a conversation. They get particularly annoyed if the person calls them quiet in a "funny" way, like, "Whoa, I can't hear myself think from all the chattering Mark is doing" or, "Oh my God, you said something! I didn't know you could talk!"
If they wish they could be more talkative, but are too shy to say more, getting called quiet makes them feel embarrassed and exposed. If they don't think there's anything wrong with hanging back, having attention drawn to their quietness makes them feel misunderstood. Either way, they often feel like they have to come up with a clever answer to justify and explain their quietness, ideally while also subtly putting the commenter in their place. So what is the best way to respond?
There's no perfect response that will fix everything
Sorry if that's not the easy, satisfying advice you were hoping for. If someone's pointed out you're too quiet they've already formed a certain impression of you. Like they may have been in a group conversation with you for half an hour and noticed you haven't said much the entire time. In my experience there's nothing you can say that will instantly reverse their opinion of you. If you care about how they see you, you might be able to act differently and change their view in the long run, but in the moment accept they've already decided you're untalkative and you're probably not going to wave that aside with a few sentences.
Two responses that don't work as well
The first is to try too hard to explain yourself, e.g., "Uh uh, well I prefer to listen... and everyone is talking about a topic I can't contribute to... and I'm a little tired... but I'm not normally like this, I swear!" That tends to make you look unconfident. The second is to make a more cutting comeback such as, "Why am I so quiet? Why are you so loud?" or, "Why? Does that make you nervous?" Quiet types mostly fantasize about giving this type of reply, but if they actually say one it mostly just makes them look touchy and bitter.
The best way to respond is to be comfortable with your quietness, acknowledge it, and quickly move on
Basically you want to politely, casually brush the comment off. If you want you can briefly explain why you're being quiet, but the point isn't to justify your behavior. It's just to give some sort of response, so you can proceed to move on to another topic.
With this approach it's all about the non-verbal communication. You should act as if you're confident and comfortable with the fact that you can be quiet sometimes. You should give off a vibe that it's okay for people not to talk all the time and the "Why are you so quiet?" remark wasn't a valid thing to bring up (again, do all this in a friendly, low key way).
"Wow, you're so quiet!"
Possible responses:
- "Yep."
- "Eh, I'm like that sometimes."
- (Not saying anything, and just shrugging or nodding)
- "I'm just listening right now."
- "Ah, I don't really know about this topic, but you guys seem into it."
- (If they ask if something is wrong) "Nah, I'm fine."
- (If they're concerned because there are some silences in the group while everyone sits around a campfire) "Ha ha, don't worry about it. Not everyone has to be chatting the entire time."
Once more, none of these are meant to be clever retorts that will change the commenter's opinion of you or subtly get back at them. It's more that if you've already been called quiet, and the "damage" is done, you may as well give a short reply that will move things along as quickly as possible.
Calling someone quiet is a bit of a social faux pas
As you know, people often feel irritated, put on the spot, and insecure when they're called quiet. Anything that makes a person feel that way obviously isn't good form, which means that when someone points out you're being quiet, they're the one making a social mistake. Hopefully that knowledge will help you feel more self-assured and like you're on the right side when you apply the ideas above. It's okay to affably blow off their observation, since they were being a little inappropriate by even bringing it up.
If you get called quiet in a situation where it's fine to be that way, you can nicely educate the person about it
People tend to get called quiet in two contexts. The first is in group discussions where they aren't contributing much. The second is in one-on-one or group situations where people often talk, but they don't always have to, like during car or bus trips, or if two or more friends are hanging out and watching a movie at home. If someone tells you you're quiet and it's the second case, you're justified if you want to politely point out you're not doing anything wrong; "Ha ha, dude, people don't have the talk the entire time on road trips. I'm just listening to the radio and looking at the scenery."
People's motivations when they call someone quiet
When people point out that you're quiet they usually don't mean anything malicious by it, even if they are blurting out their thoughts in an insensitive way.
- They may simply find your quietness curious. They may have no problem adding to conversations themselves and have a hard time understanding why someone else could be different.
- They may be insecure and think if you aren't talking it means you don't like them. When they say you're being quiet it's more about them than you. They're looking for reassurance.
- They may be a little too talkative, and get uncomfortable if everyone isn't chatting constantly. Again, it's more about them than anything you're doing wrong.
- They may think you're angry or upset if you're not saying much, and think they're helping you talk about it by mentioning you're quiet.
At times their motivation for telling you you're quiet isn't as innocuous. They may have made the common mistake of thinking you're not saying a lot because you're snobby and aloof. When people believe this about someone they often focus on the person's actions of not speaking much, and don't consider how their broader context may make it hard for them to speak up. For example, if someone goes to a party and sits down with a giant group of old friends who ignore them and talk with each other in nothing but in-jokes, the situation is stacked against them adding a lot to that conversation. Overall, it can be tiring when people say dumb things and don't 'get' you, but it's an annoyance we all have to put up with.