Weekly Update
Hi everyone, sorry there has been a lack of posts this last week I have been extremely busy with work and haven't had time to post until now. As you can see to the right hand side (which will be removed very soon) Penwith Radio managed to achieve their goal in the Crowd Funding, and I know personally that the management at Penwith Radio are truly grateful for everyone who pledged. Having been linked with the Station since 2010 I have seen a massive difference that the Station has pushed towards their long term goal which is being on FM Radio. That truly is remarkable for me too as many of you know I have had shows broadcast on air. My role currently is Broadcast Producer and I feel truly honoured to be helping such talented people. I also like to thank Dave Pascoe (Current Volunteers Manager) for everything he has done for me and believing in my abilities. The other bit of News is the main feature of this Blog, I will try and upload a video on my Youtube Channel to show you visually what you need to do but on here it be a step by step guide.
New Feature
As you all aware I have grown up in the "Digital age". The Information Age (also known as the Computer Age, Digital Age, or New Media Age) is a period in human history characterized by the shift from traditional industry that the industrial revolution brought through industrialization, to an economy based on information computerization. This basically means I grew up with a computer, or in recent years (to stop advertising) a tablet or smartphone, you know the ones the "Round Fruit" that Steve Jobs created. The web was a developing place and Social Media was born. In my early days on the web Internet companies liked to give you email addresses for free, games were free, everytime you was online no one could call as it was dial up and then there was chatrooms, now for some Chatrooms are a good way of making friends and being an "Online family" and then there are some where its "Cyber war" where you get the bitching and fighting or even nudity and erotic themed. My ethos for what you going to hear is going to be good. Yes followers I have created a New Chat Website with forums and it is free and also it goes back to being the "online family", I don't want the Rooms to be filled with online trolls or pests. I want a nice comfy setting (with moderators being on hand) for you all to come home to and chill and chat about your day.
Now you are asking what is this website, this website can be found at www.wisewordsforyou.mobile.web.tr
Bookmark it today
To sign up is very simple indeed, go to either Login via Facebook, this is the quickest way of signing up or you can register your details by clicking on register.
Once you have registered and screened by the Admin team, you will be invited to join in the chatrooms and forums.
What Rooms are available?
When you first join the ideal room to start off will be "Wise Words Newbies" ideal for people new to chat rooms. Other rooms are available and they are open now I am looking for moderators to keep an eye on things and to report to Admin if there is a problem.
The other rooms are "Wise Words Newsroom" where you can come in and talk about events in your life you would like to share. The room must be kept clear of things that could be deemed illegal, so that means no naming and shaming news articles that you have read. In the "Gaming Room" why not share your passion of all things gaming this can be Handheld consoles to online gaming. and finally "The 5th Dimension" this will be talking all things sci fi or paranomal. If you think you can be a part of the Moderation team, email wisewordsforyou@outlook.com
And finally
The Chat Rooms and Forums are open NOW!!! sign up for free and lets make "Wise Words for You" go further still. The rules to the chatrooms and forums will be released very soon.
Hi everyone, sorry there has been a lack of posts this last week I have been extremely busy with work and haven't had time to post until now. As you can see to the right hand side (which will be removed very soon) Penwith Radio managed to achieve their goal in the Crowd Funding, and I know personally that the management at Penwith Radio are truly grateful for everyone who pledged. Having been linked with the Station since 2010 I have seen a massive difference that the Station has pushed towards their long term goal which is being on FM Radio. That truly is remarkable for me too as many of you know I have had shows broadcast on air. My role currently is Broadcast Producer and I feel truly honoured to be helping such talented people. I also like to thank Dave Pascoe (Current Volunteers Manager) for everything he has done for me and believing in my abilities. The other bit of News is the main feature of this Blog, I will try and upload a video on my Youtube Channel to show you visually what you need to do but on here it be a step by step guide.
New Feature
As you all aware I have grown up in the "Digital age". The Information Age (also known as the Computer Age, Digital Age, or New Media Age) is a period in human history characterized by the shift from traditional industry that the industrial revolution brought through industrialization, to an economy based on information computerization. This basically means I grew up with a computer, or in recent years (to stop advertising) a tablet or smartphone, you know the ones the "Round Fruit" that Steve Jobs created. The web was a developing place and Social Media was born. In my early days on the web Internet companies liked to give you email addresses for free, games were free, everytime you was online no one could call as it was dial up and then there was chatrooms, now for some Chatrooms are a good way of making friends and being an "Online family" and then there are some where its "Cyber war" where you get the bitching and fighting or even nudity and erotic themed. My ethos for what you going to hear is going to be good. Yes followers I have created a New Chat Website with forums and it is free and also it goes back to being the "online family", I don't want the Rooms to be filled with online trolls or pests. I want a nice comfy setting (with moderators being on hand) for you all to come home to and chill and chat about your day.
Now you are asking what is this website, this website can be found at www.wisewordsforyou.mobile.web.tr
Bookmark it today
To sign up is very simple indeed, go to either Login via Facebook, this is the quickest way of signing up or you can register your details by clicking on register.
Once you have registered and screened by the Admin team, you will be invited to join in the chatrooms and forums.
What Rooms are available?
When you first join the ideal room to start off will be "Wise Words Newbies" ideal for people new to chat rooms. Other rooms are available and they are open now I am looking for moderators to keep an eye on things and to report to Admin if there is a problem.
The other rooms are "Wise Words Newsroom" where you can come in and talk about events in your life you would like to share. The room must be kept clear of things that could be deemed illegal, so that means no naming and shaming news articles that you have read. In the "Gaming Room" why not share your passion of all things gaming this can be Handheld consoles to online gaming. and finally "The 5th Dimension" this will be talking all things sci fi or paranomal. If you think you can be a part of the Moderation team, email wisewordsforyou@outlook.com
And finally
The Chat Rooms and Forums are open NOW!!! sign up for free and lets make "Wise Words for You" go further still. The rules to the chatrooms and forums will be released very soon.