Alan Jones is a Motivational Speaker, Mind Coach and Performing Mentalist. At first that might sound a little confusing, but simply put Alan deals with various aspects of the human mind specifically how we think, feel, communicate and create realities.
As a writer he has several articles to his credit in National and International Journals and he is a member of British Association of Journalists. You can contact Alan at Penwith Radio
Telephone 01736 362884 or email
Or you may like to look at his other websites and blogs which are collated at
Traditionally the archetype of The Magician is much more than a trickster, He, or she is a counsellor, oracle, sage and sorcerer. Alan’s starting point is that we all hold within us the power to create, manifest and be the change we want to be.
These changes, Alan maintains, can start in the mind with an idea, a thought or an inspiration. It is only when we consider carefully the choices we have do we really transform our lives.
Alan’s Motivational Seminars and Workshops have been delivered throughout the UK to schools, colleges and international corporations and he has worked with sales teams in companies like Xerox, Microtels, JAD Logic, GE Money and Kelsall & Steele.
From motivating sales teams; to helping manage teams through to supporting change management Alan’s work with companies has been praised by all he has worked with.
In an educational context Alan has worked with Universities, Schools and Colleges in exploring teaching methodologies; thinking and learning skills as well as motivating behaviour change. He works regularly with schools in the South West of England as an educational coach, consultant and trainer.
As a Trainer Alan delivers workshops, CPD and In-Service Training as well as professional level courses in Coaching, Transpersonal Psychology, NLP and Therapeutic Hypnosis.
Alan extends his provocative approach as a Performing Mentalist. Entertainers can provoke certain kinds of questions; raise possibilities in ways that formal trainers may not.
Alan’s performances have been enjoyed by major organisations; linked to team building events, corporate rallies and product launches. He has worked with small businesses, business networking organisations and international corporations to help them share a message; entertain their clients and promote their brand. Alan Jones is a writer, speaker, performer and freelance consultant who has a very eclectic mix of interests and specialisms.
He currently works at Penwith Community Radio and presents an Afternoon Drive-Time style show on Fridays (4pm – 6pm) ; and previously a paranormal discussion show on Tuesdays (The Real Twilight Zone 8pm -10pm); a Rock Show on Sunday evening (6pm – 8pm) and was the resident rationalist on Haunted Cornwall FM (Sunday 8pm – 10pm). Alan is a performing Mentalist (Mind Magician) as well as a Motivational Speaker and Trainer.As a writer he has several articles to his credit in National and International Journals and he is a member of British Association of Journalists. You can contact Alan at Penwith Radio
Telephone 01736 362884 or email
Or you may like to look at his other websites and blogs which are collated at