Samaritans Radar app taken down after privacy concerns

Emotional support charity Samaritans has suspended its new Twitter app due to privacy concerns.

The Radar app monitored Twitter accounts to alert users of friends or family who may be showing signs of depression through their posts.

Samaritans Radar app
© Samaritans

The app worked by identifying potentially worrying phrases or wording and sending an alert to friends via email.

However, critics argued that the app encroached people's privacy by collecting, processing and sharing sensitive information relating to their emotional and mental state.

A 1,200-strong petition was also launched in protest of the app.

"Following the broad range of feedback and advice Samaritans has received since the launch of the Samaritans Radar app on 29 October 2014, including the serious concerns raised by some people with mental health conditions using Twitter, we have made the decision to suspend the application at this time for further consideration," the charity said in a statement.

"We will use the time we have now to engage in further dialogue with a range of partners, including in the mental health sector and beyond in order to evaluate the feedback and get further input. 

"We will also be testing a number of potential changes and adaptations to the app to make it as safe and effective as possible for both subscribers and their followers," it added.

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