Come Dine With Me guest didn't like the result last night and it got VERY awkward​

Come Dine With MeWe can all be sore losers at times, but this guy takes it to another level.
Last night's episode of Come Dine With Me​ on Channel 4 got very awkward indeed after contestant Peter took the result in the worst (or best) way possible.
Peter and fellow hopeful Jane pretty much hated each other throughout the episode, and came to constant blows.

At the end of the show, he was beyond livid to learn that Jane won the competition, before launching into a hilariously awkward tirade:
"​You ruined my night completely just so you could have the money. I hope now you will spend it on getting some lessons in grace and decorum, because you have all the grace of a reversing dump trunk without any tyres on!"
Looking at the ground, Jane said to the other two guests: "I don't get it."
To which, Peter replied: "Well you wouldn't would you? Let's be honest, there's nobody in there, love. So Jane, take your money and get off my property!"
Sorest loser ever? If he won, we expect he would have behaved like this:

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