Could YOU Survive Phoneless Friday?

How many times have you checked your phone this morning? Once? Twice? Too many to count?
It’s safe to say we’re all pretty addicted to our mobiles. And by “all”, I mean around 43 million of us. That’s a lotta smart phones!
And between the 43 million of us, we send more than 262 million texts a day.
Yes, you read that right. 262 MILLION. Each and every day.
And if you’re anything like us, the thought of being phone-less for even a few moments will bring you out in a cold sweat. After all, how are you supposed to brag that you made it to the gym, or Instagram your super-healthy salad?
And could you imagine the feeling of checking your bag or your pocket and not being able to feel your phone. That drop-in-the-pit-of-your-stomach panic when you think your phone is gone forever? There really is nothing worse.
Could you really go through that for a whole day?
But this Friday (7th October), that’s exactly what Save the Children are challenging you to do.
Put your phone down – or better still, leave it at home – all day. Don’t look at it. Not even once.
It’s what they’re calling “Phoneless Friday”.
And don’t scoff at the idea, it looks like we might need it. The charity surveyed 2,032 adults and found:
  • 64% of people consider texting while talking to someone ruder than not giving up your seat to someone who needs it
  • Over 50% find people speaking loudly on their phones on public transport and texting at dinner rude
What do you think? Could you manage to go phoneless – all day – this Friday?
That means using a physical map instead of your phone’s Satnav, talking to loved ones face-to-face, and going a whole 24 hours without checking Instagram.
If you want to challenge yourself – or your phone-obsessed friends – you can sign up at and donate £5 to the charity.

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