Getting out of your own way...

 You've set your targets, outlined a course of actions and ....

You're no closer to your dreams and goals - you feel trapped.

Chances are that you have gotten in the way of your own success. You have been the shadow looming over your own path. You have locked yourself in your own bubble of ideas - but there has been no movement

So, how do you get out of your own way?

Well perhaps we can look at this from three key perspectives.

1) Your beliefs

Believing in your own capabilities to achieve the goal you have set yourself is sometimes not as easy as you think it is.

We all have a personal history which manifests as the stories we tell ourselves about who we are and what we deserve. These stories may create judgements, resentments, expectations, fears and beliefs about what should and shouldn't happen for us.

​Some of these stories will be reflected in our own self-talk, that inner dialogue which can bring you down as much as it can build you up. The 'nagging-self-doubt' as so wonderfully displayed in a UK TV advert, (Swinton Insurance)

There is a need to challenge outmoded beliefs systems, to liberate yourself for limiting behaviours and habits. Often a new goal requires some kind of change and you may well resist at some deep level that change.

Take time to become fully aware of the inner-you that involves itself with these stories and limiting beliefs. Explore them and perhaps their origin, but more importantly their current relevance. Are those things you believed about yourself as a child still relevant to you as an adult? 

2) Your motivations

Is your goal or dream something you really want, or a fluffy distraction which is not really a fully formed plan?

Is it yet another thing to beat yourself up about?

If your dream or goal is congruent with who you want to become and in line with your values, then you are more likely to commit to it.

Know what it is you are aiming for; identify the steps you need to take then dare to take them ... one at a time. As mentioned in an early post, give up any pretence of perfection. The idea that something will come out perfectly first time is a fantasy. Perfection, if it exists, is a journey of improvement, development and fine tuning. 

Motivation not only requires the fuel of belief and the mindset of achievement but the willingness to move forward. Take the first step, tentatively if you must, but take some action. Thoughts about taking action simply aren't going to cut it.

3) Your Future Self

This is perhaps, a key idea.

As you start your path towards your dream or goal you are YOU NOW.

The you that YOU WILL BECOME, is waiting in the wings to make their entrance. 

Any dream or goal will require YOU to change aspects of YOU, and whilst you may recognise that the only constant in the Universe is Change, the you that is now may be unsure of the you that is 'becoming'. After all you are attached to you aren't you?

If you have carefully considered the effects of achieving any goal or dream then, it may be far easier to welcome the YOU TO BE into your life.

The tension between the YOU NOW and the YOU TO BE can translate into prevarication, uncertainty and even fear of success, 

In reality you are always changing. Every moment of your life your are exposed to new learning, new thoughts, new situations. Being 'stuck in the past' often means that you miss these "possible moments of evolution" and only recognise change when it 'bites you on the bum'

If you would like to register for a FREE NO OBLIGATION conversation to explore how Coaching would help you Get Out of Your Own Way then simply use the link below to request a date and time...


from DR ALAN B JONES - Blog

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