Self Improvement - SOME THOUGHTS


​An interesting phrase 'Self Improvement" ...

What 'self' is being improved and why??

I guess it can mean being a better person, learning something new, accomplishing more, or simply figuring out how to better enjoy the life you have.

I saw a post on Facebook which announced something along the lines of "I need a change in my life soon because I'm sick and tired of this same old routine every day"

Who of us hasn't felt something like that at some time or another?

I suppose the first thing to do is work out what are we 'sick' about - the routine itself; the demands that routine is making on our lives?

The next thing to consider is, much of that routine is the result of choice and how much is beyond your scope of control?

If we're really honest with ourselves there will be much of "the routine that makes us sick' is because of choices we either made or did not make at some point in our past.

We work and need to bring in money, to pay the bills for things we have chosen to 'have' at some point in the past. 

We believe we have no other choices in how we can pay those bills, and we can't immediately unchoose the house, family, the lifestyle we aspired too - so we are 'trapped' in a life we have, at some point, decided is less than what we want now.

Perhaps taking responsibility for the reality of past choices, and being specific about what we want is the first step into 'self-improvement'.

Of course, there are things which affect our lives that are genuinely beyond our control and influence -  and perhaps we need to consider how we can view these differently and stop beating our heads against the walls that we haven't built.

If life is shit, consider what you can do to change it ... kinds simple I guess.

Here's an interesting set of "measures for personal development" that might help focus your thoughts...

Each one of these dimensions is something we can do something about ...

Think in terms of improving (or developing) some of these dimensions...

Intellectual - study, developing thinking skills, or otherwise improving the mind.

Physical - becoming stronger, faster, fitter - developing stamina
Acquiring Talents - unlike the previous two items, which are relatively general, talents might have both a mental and physical component but are really about doing a distinctive thing. Learning how to juggle, for instance, or playing an instrument, or learning an art or craft.

Organizational - cleaning, decluttering, time management - develop systems and processes to organise yourself

Interpersonal - connecting. Improving the quality of relationships, from the most casual of co-workers to the most significant of others.

Experiential - seeking out new sensations and experiences. This could be as involved as international travel, or as simple as savouring a pleasant aroma.

Removal - getting rid of bad habits, or reducing negative effects on your life. Clearing the physical, emotional and spiritual clutter.

These are based on the 7th Paths to Self Development by Aaron Rath

What would happen if you gave yourself score out of ten for each of these dimensions (10 meaning that you'd totally 'cracked' that facet of your life)?

Would such an assessment help you consider how you could bring about change?


from DR ALAN B JONES - Blog

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