Keith Alfred Hackett born 05/03/1925 died 18/08/2005

Keith Alfred Hackett 05/03/1925 Died 18/08/2005

7 Years has passed since you went and there is never a day I am thinking of you, you are truly an inspiration to me Grandad, I love you and I want to see your cheeky smile again but alas I can't but I know you are keeping an eye on me as you always do, tell Nan that I love her and I miss her too. Here is a poem that I hope won't make you cry but I know my friends will when they read this. God bless you xxx

So heaven has received another angel
The night sky another star
Your life has become a loving memory
I know you will never be far.
I know you are watching over me
As my life goes on
I will treasure the memories I have of you
I cant believe your gone.
You were a loving caring grandad 
You were there for me a lot
You will always hold a place in my heart
A loving treasured spot.
You were really one in a million
A cut above the rest
All that knew you would agree 
You simply were the best.
So grandad I will say goodbye
I love and miss you with all my heart
But as long as I have my loving memories
We will never be too far apart.

This Post is in honour of a truly special Man in my life, that man is my Grandad

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